A leading global real estate services company sought to optimize their DevSecOps processes and streamline their workflows. They faced challenges in cost management and needed to move towards an integrated enterprise environment that also offered the opportunity to enhance their software security.

The Challenge

Prior to working with Coveros, the organization relied on multiple disparate tools, leading to inefficiencies and increased costs. They also desired a secure and reliable platform to manage their DevSecOps at an enterprise level.

The Solution

Coveros, a trusted GitHub Premier Partner, stepped up to provide comprehensive training, implementation, migration, and consulting services, including:

The Results

Working with Coveros has been an exceptional experience; they seamlessly integrate with our team, embodying the spirit of collaboration and trust. Their dedication and effective communication have significantly enhanced our work with the customer, truly making them a reliable extension of our team. – Shelly Dursun, GitHub Account Manager

Coveros Can Help

Looking to accelerate your team’s use of GitHub? Set up a conversation with one of our experts today!

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