Unlock the Power of AI & Machine Learning

Let our team of experts help you build critical strategies to understand, deploy, and accelerate your use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

AI Consulting & Implementation Services

AI Enterprise & Product Strategy Workshop
This 5-day workshop allows our experts and your leadership team to drill into your enterprise and/or products to understand how they work and brainstorm how AI can accelerate your business. Each workshop is tailored to your particular context and needs.

View Key Activities
  1. Review your current business and product strategy
  2. Discuss the various business benefits AI can provide and map your existing strategies to these potential benefits
  3. Brainstorm and identify opportunities to incorporate AI into your business
  4. Prioritize these opportunities based on ROI, risk, budget, capacity, and timeframes
  5. Develop a high-level set of improvement recommendations

Production AI/ML Software Development
Organizations often need AI data, engineering, testing, and deployment expertise to go along with their current team experience. We offer custom services including end-to-end implementation services within your AI software development lifecycle (SDLC), blending needed skills into your teams, or owning a particular role within the process.

View Key Activities
  1. Roadmapping and planning releases
  2. Managing your AI data engineering, modeling, and testing process
  3. Data analysis and feature engineering
  4. AI model development and training
  5. AI model and AI-based system testing
  6. Deployment of AI models and systems using MLOP
  7. Establishment of monitoring and retraining capabilities
  8. Maintenance and support of applications in production

AI Model Proof of Concepts
Before spending millions of dollars implementing AI solutions, organizations need to prove that a candidate AI solution will meet your business goals and boost ROI. An AI Model Proof of Concept creates a minimal viable product that allows your leadership to visualize what is possible before embarking on a large-scale project.

View Key Activities
  1. Define the ultimate business goal for leveraging AI
  2. Define success criteria for a proof of concept
  3. Create an MVP implementation plan
  4. Develop the AI Model proof of concept train key team members, and test the product
  5. Demonstrate and discuss results

GitHub Copilot Enterprise Adoption
Getting early adopters on board with GitHub Copilot is the easiest part of enterprise implementation. More difficult is getting organizational change to happen effectively and consistently Copilot use. We’ve helped  numerous organizations successfully adopt GitHub Copilot across the enterprise and drive change by leveraging some combination critical strategies.

View Key Activities
  1. Creating adoption roadmap
  2. Training and coaching GitHub Copilot across teams
  3. Managing transformation programs to drive change
  4. Implementing pilots to measure ROI and demonstrate value
  5. Providing team-based advisory hours and general office hours to answer questions
  6. Dashboarding to measure adoption rate and value

AI Learning & Training

Our training team offers both public and private team AI training courses designed to prepare leaders and teams to use AI to their advantage. We also offer post-training coaching and advisory services that can be coupled with any of our training classes.

Fundamentals of AI (ICP-FAI)
Unravel the complexities of AI and machine learning in a way that’s approachable for everyone, regardless of technical background. Upon completion, receive the ICP-FAI certification from the ICAgile. Learn more.

AI for Leaders
Effective AI leadership is crucial for organizations to thrive in this new era. This workshop equips leaders with the knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of AI, build AI-driven strategies, and cultivate an AI-centric culture. Learn more.

GitHub Copilot Fundamentals
This hands-on training class is designed to help software developers learn GitHub Copilot and get a jump start on how to effectively incorporate Copilot into your software developer workflow. Learn more.

AI for Testers
Cut through the hype and understanding how AI affects the testing profession. In this hands-on class, you will learn how to test AI-based systems and how to apply AI to the testing process. Learn more.

DevOps for AI and Machine Learning
In this hands-on workshop, DevOps engineers, developers, testers, and managers learn the foundational knowledge and practical skills necessary to integrate MLOps into existing AI model development workflows. Learn more.

GitHub Copilot for Testers
This hands-on training class is designed to help software testers come up to speed on GitHub Copilot and understand how to effectively incorporate Copilot into your testing and test automation workflow. Learn more.

AI Skills Roadmap
For those organizations seeking not just individual training classes, but a comprehensive upskilling roadmap, our experts can work with you to assess existing staff skills, craft tailored learning journeys, and put in place metrics to measure learning outcomes over time. Our flexible, credits-based training system allows your staff to learn and grow on their schedule through private classes held exclusively for you, public live virtual training sessions, pre-conference face-to-face training, or one of several AI training weeks Coveros holds in the DC area.

View Key Activities
  1. Kickoff the initiative with key training and team leadership
  2. Assess skills with online surveys
  3. Define learning journeys for identified roles within the organization
  4. Build a tentative roadmap identifying training and coaching opportunities across roles
  5. Define and track metrics to measure success

AI for Testing Strategy Workshop
Recent advances in AI provide opportunities to increase software testing productivity, but only if a sound strategy is developed. Our AI for Testing Strategy Workshop is a weeklong series of training and facilitated strategy sessions that result in an actionable AI for Testing Strategy. During this intensive workshop, quality stakeholders work together to understand what AI means for testing, define AI-enhanced, testing value streams, and draft an AI for Testing Strategy.

View Activity Timeline

Days 1 and 2: Train Your Teams on Critical AI Concepts
Day 3: Understand your software quality and testing process
Day 4: Integrate AI into your value stream
Day 5: Define an AI for Testing Strategy for your organization


AI Con USA Conference
To support the software community as it transitions to an AI-based world, Coveros started the AI Con USA conference in 2024. Along with our other three annual large-scale software conferences, (STARWEST, STAREAST, Agile + DevOps USA), AI Con USA brings together leading experts, researchers, innovators, and companies from around the globe to explore the latest developments in AI and machine learning. We’ve taken our years of experience holding industry-leading conferences and focused it on this critical emerging topic. Whether you are a seasoned professional, a researcher, or an enthusiast eager to stay at the forefront of AI, AI Con USA provides a dynamic environment for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and inspiration.

Learn More About AI Training Week DC

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