5 Common Pitfalls Agile Coaches Must Avoid

Successful agile teams often have a coach driving continuous improvement. While some coaches are effective initially, many eventually succumb to pitfalls that inhibit their team’s growth and fail to compel any lasting changes. Here are five common pitfalls of agile coaches I see in most projects that fail to improve. 1. Not Applying Agile to […]

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5 Tips for Getting Retrospectives Done Right
Development Whiteboard

A key part of an agile process is the retrospective. The purpose of retrospectives is to identify where you can improve and reinforce what you are doing well as a team. They typically happen at the end of each sprint in Scrum, at regular intervals in kanban, or after something goes wrong in your organization. […]

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Testing Your DevOps Is Just as Important as Testing Your Software

Long gone are the days of waterfall software development. The agile movement has brought common-sense software development principles to nearly every corner of the world and changed the way we look at software. This philosophy left marks on how we look at our infrastructure, too. With agile came DevOps and the idea to bring together […]

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Driving Continuous Improvement to the Entire Organization
Team of business professional looking at laptop

The Agile Manifesto states that “at regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjust its behavior accordingly.” Despite being a key principle of the manifesto, continuous improvement eludes some organizations. They find themselves “doing agile” instead of “being agile.” In traditional agile approaches, the sprint retrospective provides a […]

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Test Automation is Software Engineering

One of my pet peeves these days is teams referring to their test automation as “test scripts”. To me the term “script” minimizes the role of test automation. It sounds throw away, like something you might whip up real quick to configure your bash shell. I coach teams to really treat their test automation as […]

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