SQE Online Newsletter 2011
Jeffery Payne has led Coveros since its inception in 2008. Under his guidance, the company has become a recognized market leader in secure agile software development. Mr. Payne is a popular keynote and featured speaker at technology conferences and has testified before Congress on technology issues such as intellectual property rights and cyber-terrorism. Prior to Coveros, he was co-founder, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Cigital, where he led the startup and growth of the company for 16 years. Mr. Payne is a former ACM National Lecturer and the co-founder of the Northern Virginia Chapter of the IEEE Computer Society. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Allegheny College and an M.S. in Computer Science from The College of William and Mary.
SQE Online Newsletter 2011
Presented at the Agile Development Practices Conference in 2010, Jeff Payne reviews the principal reasons that agile projects sometimes fail. Jeff also provides the warning signs and some key things you can do to prevent this from happening. Agile Development Practices
IT Pro Magazine 2010
SQE Online Newsletter, 2010
At the 2009 Better Software Conference, Jeff Payne delivered this presentation about what to do and what NOT to do when transitioning to Agile. The presentation also talks about the advantages and challenges in that transition. Better Software — Agile Transition
Better Software, 2009
Coveros, Inc. to Focus on Accelerating Business Success Through Better Software Herndon, Va., November 6, 2008 — Jeffery Payne, former Cigital CEO and Co-Founder, today launched Coveros, Inc., a company that helps organizations accelerate the delivery of secure, reliable software. “Business executives continue to be frustrated by the amount of time and energy it takes […]