In my previous post, I described a technique for putting your Jenkins server configuration under version control. It’s a great way to ensure that your changes are always tracked and that you can recover if/when things get out of whack. However, if it requires you to regularly log onto the Jenkins box and manually run a bunch of git commands, you are likely to either forget or simply never get around to capturing the ever-changing configuration updates. The natural extension of this is to set Jenkins up to handle things automatically.
There are two jobs I usually create to handle this:
- GitStatus – run Git status in the .jenkins directory to see what has changed. I even tacked on ‘git diff’ to the end of the job so I could see the specifics.
- GitCommit – run the commits. I take a “COMMENT” parameter for the job so that I can record a message about what I changed.
GitStatus Job
The “Status” job is really just a utility that helps you look at changes that have been made on the server. Create a simple job called “GitStatus” with no parameters. Then, add a shell block:
#!/bin/bash # terminate on error set -e cd $JENKINS_HOME echo "Checking status of $JENKINS_HOME" git status echo "##################################################" echo "Recent changes:" git log -10 --stat |
Then, just run it whenever you want to see what has changed.
GitCommit Job
For the “Commit” job, I usually add a “COMMENT” string parameter.
- Default: Auto-commit from DevOps Demo Jenkins
- Description: The “-m” comment that Git will use during commit of any changes. Set it to a custom comment if you manually commit and want to have a unique entry in the git log.
Then, set up a build trigger to run on a regular interval. In my case, I set it up to run nightly some time between midnight and 8 AM:
H H(0-7) * * *
The heavy lifting is done with a script block:
#!/bin/bash # terminate on error set -e cd $JENKINS_HOME echo "Recent changes:" git log -5 --pretty=oneline --stat echo "Checking status of $JENKINS_HOME" git status echo "Adding new files..." git add . echo "Git status:" git status echo "Committing changes..." # Only try commit if something changed, otherwise this produces an error. git diff-index --quiet HEAD || git commit -m "$GIT_COMMENT" # Push changes upstream git push |
And that’s it. Your “commit” job will start running daily to capture all of the changes on your Jenkins server.