Tips for Facilitating Remote Agile Teams

In this challenging unprecedented time teams that have been co-located in team rooms are now adapting to being fully remote, at least for the time being. So a big question a lot of agile teams are facing is how do we follow the agile principles while remote. In particular the idea of co-location and the […]

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Understanding the ScrumMaster’s Role in Team Communication

A common misunderstanding among those new to agile is exactly what the role of the ScrumMaster is on the team. I have often heard people say, “I didn’t sign up to be a ScrumMaster; it’s not my job to talk to the product owner,” or “I’m not the ScrumMaster; I don’t like to act like […]

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Shifting Security Left: The Innovation of DevSecOps

Application security, or AppSec, is hard. For development teams, it often comes into development late in a release cycle and demands changes to the software that seem unreasonable. For the AppSec team, being introduced to a project after the application has been designed and much of the code has been written means there will be […]

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Rethinking Your Measurement and Metrics for Agile and DevOps

One of the key conversations organizations and teams forget about in their transition to agile and DevOps is updating their measurement and metrics plan. Many companies are still using measurements and metrics from the traditional waterfall software development lifecycle. While some of these remain useful, many may not provide value to the team or organization—and […]

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Agile Tips to Make the Most of Conferences

Time spent at a conference is precious, so you should make sure there is a return on that investment. What better way to do so than to leverage agile ideas? Here are a few tips based on the principles behind the Agile Manifesto for getting the most out of attending a conference. Embrace change Like […]

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Plan for the Year the Agile Way

The start of a new year always comes with new resolutions, goals, and a set of plans to grow in the future. The excitement and energy that a new start brings can rejuvenate a team. However, if you’re not careful, that same ambition can lead to failure.  When you begin planning for the year, it […]

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3 Ways to Have Fun at Work and Improve Productivity

Happiness looks different for everyone, but one thing’s for sure: when asked to define happiness, most people don’t think about their nine-to-five. Your job is meant to be serious business. You clock in in the morning, grind through your daily tasks, and call it quits. Ultimately, you’re there to help your company make money. But […]

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