Selenified and LambdaTest
Selenified Process

I recently had the pleasure of being introduced to the team over at LambdaTest. LambdaTest runs a cross-browser cloud infrastructure that allows the execution of Appium and Selenium tests remotely. I was intrigued to learn more about their infrastructure and tooling, as it seemed like something that should fit in nicely with Selenified. I signed […]

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Fortify to SonarQube: Part One

Overview Fortify Static Code Analyzer (SCA) is a Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tool. It can be used to identify security issues early in the development cycle, enabling developers to resolve findings without waiting until the end. This shifting left of security analysis both speeds up and makes more secure the implementation of new functionality […]

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3 Telltale Signs You’re Scaling Agile Too Quickly

When an organization grows quickly, it puts stress on people, processes, and customers. Burnout happens, things fall through the cracks, and defects creep in. Unfortunately, many organizations try to scale agile too quickly, and that often leads to failure. Here are three of the telltale signs you’re scaling too fast.

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Why You Shouldn’t Use Cucumber for API Test

Many people misunderstand the purpose of Cucumber. Because it seems to yield clearer, plain-language test scripts, testers want to use Cucumber as a general-purpose testing tool, including for API tests. But its true purpose is as a BDD framework. You may be thinking, what’s the harm? Here’s why it makes a difference—and why you should choose another tool for API testing.

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Debunking 4 Myths of DevSecOps Adoption

Every day organizations incorporate DevSecOps into their software development, security, and operations practices to ensure they can build critical security controls into their agile software delivery. According to one survey, 84 percent of respondents said it’s difficult to reduce risk to their applications because they’re not able to monitor, detect, and prevent attacks at the application level. […]

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Selenified 3.2.1 Release

Another quarter, another Selenified release in the books. Nothing huge in this release, just some small feature updates and enhancements. Additional Reporting Features The custom Selenified reports have been updated to include some additional information. Previously, when parameterized tests were executed, the individual results weren’t easily identified in the report. This has been fixed, with […]

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Why We Need to Stop Calling Them Soft Skills
Two men sit facing each other having a conversation

There’s no doubt that successful people possess hard skills, or the skills you learn through formal education, certification programs, and on-the-job training. But where trained professionals can stand out is in their soft skills, such as the ability to communicate, be empathetic, think creatively, work with their teams, manage their time, and solve problems in […]

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