There’s often a huge difference between working software and complete software. In agile, nothing is ever really complete, and working software doesn’t have to be fully finished to bring value to the end user.
Insight and analysis from thought leaders in agile development and testing, DevOps, security, test automation, and more.
There’s often a huge difference between working software and complete software. In agile, nothing is ever really complete, and working software doesn’t have to be fully finished to bring value to the end user.
It can be difficult to find great software testers for senior roles; often, the people you want to hire are the ones who are already gainfully employed. Michael Sowers gives his suggestions for identifying qualified and experienced software engineers who can deliver on senior testing role accountabilities.
With the trend toward a more continuous delivery and deployment process, late-lifecycle activities like security assurance present a significant hurdle to continuously delivering value to customers. DevSecOps addresses this by shifting security assurance activities, personnel, and automation closer to development.
Another quarter done. Another Selenified release in the books. We didn’t add too many new features this release, mainly focusing on usability and tightening up existing functionality. But beware, we bumped the minor version because this release isn’t backward compatible. Properties File Instead of needing to provide all properties directly from the command line (or […]
One of the most important parts of the agile process is the ability to continuously learn and adapt. While most find it easy to share positive feedback during retrospectives with their teammates, sharing negative experiences and criticism can often be a challenge. Negative feedback has the greatest potential to help people change in areas that […]
The Jenkins pipeline documentation does a serviceable job describing a Jenkinsfile. There are a number of examples for common tasks, giving code snippets that can be copied and pasted for your own use. When needing to do simple or commonly performed tasks, this method can be sufficient. There is also a helpful pipeline syntax generator […]
Organizations struggling to see tangible benefits after adopting DevOps practices often have only slapped together a few tools instead of making the required changes. Many aren’t really embracing DevOps at all. Here are three signs to help you determine if your organization isn’t quite ready yet to practice DevOps.
If you are searching for agile knowledge, there are many books outside the current literature that may enlighten you. Some discuss the underpinnings of concepts we consider agile, while others are contemporary business books that present compelling ways to use agile effectively. Here are three Jeff Payne recommends.
When organizations start moving to DevOps, one of the first things they focus on is automation. It makes sense: Automated deployment tools are easy to explain, and implementing them usually shows value right away. But speed isn’t the only reason (or even the best one) to move to DevOps and an automated release pipeline. Stronger […]
Glenn Buckholz, a technical manager at Coveros Inc., discusses methods to gain an understanding of serverless technology, the motivation behind businesses moving to serverless technology, and how a serverless infrastructure changes your testing strategy and bug reports. Originally shared on StickyMinds.