Installing MicroK8s 1.14 for Local Development

In a recent development, MicroK8s replaced its dockerd installation with containerd. Many pre-existing sources mention “microk8s.docker”, but this command is no longer available. I will walk you through the full initial installation and basic usage on Ubuntu 18.04. Practically speaking, this means you now need to install Docker on your Ubuntu machine. In previous versions, […]

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The Importance of Goal Alignment in Agile and DevOps

I work and interact with multiple software development teams. Some are just beginning their agile and DevOps journeys and others are well on their way, but they have many of the same questions or concerns: How do we get all team member roles on the same page? How do we communicate and collaborate more effectively […]

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The Pros and Cons of a Serverless DevOps Solution

The dream of any product owner is fully customizable production software without the expense of paying for the hardware it rests upon. While the cloud and infrastructure as a service (IaaS) partially deliver on this promise, a completely serverless infrastructure would be much closer to this dream. From a product owner’s perspective, the possibility of […]

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Building a Node.js REST Microservice: Part One
portrait of a red panda

Introduction This is the first in a planned series of tutorials walking through the process of creating, deploying, and consuming a Node.js REST microservice. In this post, I will demonstrate the initial setup and creation of the microservice and its routes. By leveraging just a few Node.js modules, you will quickly have a functional REST […]

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Integrating Threat Modeling into Agile Development

Adopting agile in your program comes with inherent benefits around transparency and delivery, but it also often requires changes to other business practices to align with a more iterative way of developing software. Threat modeling helps you determine where to focus your security testing efforts when building your app, so it’s a useful practice. But one […]

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How to Configure Postman to use OWASP ZAP as a Proxy

OWASP ZAP (Open Web Application Security Project Zed Attack Proxy) is a powerful security scanning tool for those new to security testing as well as professional penetration testers. ZAP can be used for many different security testing tasks, such as actively simulating attacks, in order to expose vulnerabilities, or passively scanning requests as a proxy. […]

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Failure is Feedback

“Failure is Feedback and Feedback is the breakfast of Champions” – fortune cookie Most everyone would agree that feedback is an essential ingredient to successful delivery. Feedback helps you to improve, whether you are a cashier, a coach, a teacher, or part of a software development team. So why is it so hard to accept […]

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Coveros Conversations: Automation

Executive Vice President Mike Sowers and Senior Learning & Coaching Consultant Stephanie Fender discuss how to get started with automation, common roles in automation, and more in our first Coveros Conversation.

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Why Does Everyone Pick on Agile?

It seems like every other day, someone in the software development community feels the necessity to declare that agile is dead and they have something new and better. Sometimes it’s one of the founders of agile who now think the Agile Manifesto is dated and needs to be overhauled. Other times it’s ageless software veterans […]

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Making Security a First Class Citizen in DevOps

I recently had the opportunity to do a web seminar with Jeff Payne about using open source tools for DevSecOps. In our discussion, I made the point that the goal of DevSecOps is to make application security a first-class citizen in the DevOps process. Making application security a first-class citizen improves the quality of your […]

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