Testing with Feature Toggles
Software Testing

What are Feature Toggles There are lots of ways for developers to develop code, with many different strategies when it comes to releasing capabilities. While many development organizations prefer to use feature and release branches, some utilize feature toggles (sometimes even combining these with branching). This gives developers the ability to turn a particular feature […]

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Making Cucumber Glue Code More Explicit with Transformers

I’ve talked before about how important it is to make your BDD glue code as specific as possible, so that anyone reading your Gherkin, knows exactly what that action is supposed to perform. Even my co-workers have noticed this as a problem, and have suggested implementations to help. In a post several years ago, I […]

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Why You Should Be Using Go

Go (or golang) is a relatively new language that I personally discovered while building REST API servers for my internship over at OSNEXUS, and I quickly fell in love with the language’s speed and syntactic sugar. A powerful tool, especially when it comes to concurrency and web servers, Go makes a strong case to be […]

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Escaping and Translating Special Characters with XPATH

If you’re here because you now have to fix the method that had this link commented in it, I’m sorry. The Hard-Knocks of XPATH 1.0 Life Work at a current client has led to – for a various amount of restrictions with reasons that I won’t get into – the need for using dynamically generated […]

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Scrum Isn’t the Only Path to Agility

In working with one of the teams at one of my current clients, the team said they didn’t want to do Scrum. At this organization, there is a lot of Scrum. Most of the teams there are Scrum teams. The team in question decided that Scrum wasn’t working for them. They wanted to try something […]

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Why Software Testing is Key to DevOps

One of the major reasons organizations adopt DevOps practices is to accelerate delivery of software to production. This includes deploying more frequently and reducing lead time. However, many organizations fail to include quality components in their practices. This leads to organizations delivering code faster, but unfortunately, that code is just poor. Continuous deployment without quality […]

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Using Dependency Injectors to Simplify Your Code in Cucumber

It’s been a while since I wrote about Cucumber, but hopefully I’m not too rusty. As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve recently gotten back into Cucumber. For my current client, I am developing a framework which allows testing the same behavior on multiple applications. To me, this is reminiscent of my first exposure […]

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Importance of Testing Frameworks
Software Testing

Appium and Selenium are great tools, which allows interaction with and manipulation of mobile devices. Both are cross-platform tools, meaning they work for automating across multiple devices; Appium for both iOS and Android and Selenium for multiple OS and browser combinations. Appium and Selenium are both built on top of WebDriver, similar to Protractor, and […]

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The Curious Case of Incomplete Work at the End of a Sprint

Scrum and other agile processes advocate using time-boxed periods called a sprint or iteration in order to focus a team on getting work done. The idea is that the team will select an amount of work about this size of their capacity and commit to completing that work during the sprint. How the team decides […]

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Keeping your Gherkin Language Consistent
Gherkin, the language that Cucumber uses to define tests in plain English

Work with my current client mostly consists of building an automated testing framework, one that utilizes Cucumber, an automated behavioral testing framework, and Gherkin, the language that Cucumber uses to define tests in plain English. The end goal is for the framework to reach a sufficient amount of coverage across the client’s application, so that […]

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