DevSecOps: Incorporate Security into DevOps to Reduce Software Risk

By now, most organizations have heard of DevOps, and many have begun to adopt DevOps practices as a key enabler of software delivery. Organizations that employ an agile approach find DevOps practices a natural extension, and DevOps truly enables agile practices to flourish. Organizations typically start with implementing continuous integration, test-driven development, and test automation […]

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Bitcoin and the Blockchain: An Introduction

Bitcoin has been one of the most talked about topics in current news and really it should be. The idea of bitcoin and underlying technologies such as the blockchain has potential to change the digital world as we know it. I’m going to discuss the basics of what a bitcoin is, where it came from, […]

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Automating Desktop Applications with SikuliX

My current project supports a number of software applications for which we build and maintain automated tests. While most of these applications are web-based (for which we use Selenium WebDriver), we also support a few desktop/rich client applications.  This has exposed the need for a front-end automated test tool that doesn’t rely on DOM based attributes. Our […]

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Tools and Tests Your Pipeline Might Be Missing

Whatever process you use to deliver software, your ultimate goal is to determine if you have a viable candidate for production. Whether your process is completely automated, completely manual, or (most likely) somewhere in between, there are a lot of opportunities to add tools and tests to your process – your pipeline – to help you […]

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What are Jenkins Pipelines and What is a Jenkinsfile?

‘Pipeline as code’ or defining the deployment pipeline through code rather than configuring a running CI/CD tool, provides tremendous benefits for teams automating infrastructure across their environments. One of the most popular ways to implement a pipeline as code is through Jenkins Pipeline. Jenkins, an open source automation server, is used to automate tasks associated […]

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Deploying, Running Applications in Docker Containers

Deploying and running applications in Containers is one of the hottest trends in DevOps and IT today. Docker, a containerization platform that lets users easily package, deploy, and manage their applications within containers, is principally responsible for bringing containers to the mainstream. This article provides information about what containers are, their relationship with DevOps, and […]

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DevSecOps: The Solution to the Equifax Problem

By now, most Americans have heard of the breach of over 143 million (and counting) U.S. consumer’s financial data to hackers earlier this month.  A well-published vulnerability in Apache Struts (CVE-2017-5638) was not patched for months in Equifax applications.  This vulnerability was readily available to hackers and exploited against critical systems holding data such as […]

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Implementing the DevSecOps Process

The primary goal of DevSecOps is to ensure Security and Operations team members are engaged and collaborating with Development and Test from the very beginning of a project/product development. In addition to cultural shifts, it demands a linked toolchain of technologies to facilitate collaborative change. It requires pushing past departmental lines for more effective planning, […]

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