#WhyGradle: Gradle vs Maven Performance

I’ve written a lot of blogs about how to do certain technical things in Gradle, in this blog I will compare the performance features of Gradle to that of Maven’s. As of Gradle 2.5 and Maven 3.3.3 Gradle supports incremental builds, where Maven does not. Gradle’s incremental builds work off the simple concept of re-building […]

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CompareGradleBuilds Feature

I was reading through some Gradle documentation, and I came across this task CompareGradleBuilds. What this task does is it runs your build on the current version of Gradle, and then runs the build on a different specified version of Gradle, and produces a report that says if the builds are identical or not. I […]

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Compatibility Testing – Local Simulation Tricks For Mobile Web Applications

Introduction After giving a talk last week with Sauce Labs about compatibility testing for mobile web apps, I got several questions about simulation using Selenium Webdriver. I had written back in June about compatibility testing using Selenium IDE, but the talk expanded on this concept, allowing tests run in client languages to perform similar actions. […]

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Setting Up Headless Selenium Tests On RHEL 6.7

In order to set up headless tests on RHEL 6.7, you will need Xvfb, which is a virtual framebuffer that performs the graphical operations without showing anything on the screen. The browser that I chose to use for my headless tests was Firefox. In order to install Xvfb on RHEL use yum: yum install xorg-x11-server-Xvfb […]

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Gradle, Square Peg Round Hole

Intro On the current engagement we are using gradle to automate the build process. Gradle can lend itself to scripting through groovy. Anything groovy can do gradle can do. I’m interested in more than just building the application automatically. When it comes to Continuous Integration (CI) we often need to do more than just build […]

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Some DNS automation (bind)

Dear Loyal Readers, I’ve been using bind in AWS for a while now.  Initially route53 created publicly available DNS entries, but recently, AWS added the private/vpc-aware Route 53.  This makes our security team happy! Sadly, the record propagation delay was causing us problems (long delays) in our ability to quickly spin up new instances. We might have been able to live […]

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How to build SonarQube into PhpStorm for source code analysis

The software development IDE, JetBrains PhpStorm, is a versatile tool to incorporate into a DevOps pipeline. One useful method of expanding upon its native features is to add the SonarQube plugin to provide source code analysis. Step-by-step documentation is scattered or insufficient, so I have compiled an explanation of the process, with accompanying screenshots. This does […]

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Compatibility Testing Webinar

Introduction A few months, I wrote a blog post about performing compatibility testing for mobile web apps. Since that time, I have been talking with Sauce Labs about putting together a webinar focusing on locally debugging and executing compatibility testing that will eventually be run in the cloud. And that time is finally almost upon us! You […]

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Cleaner Java Code with Unchecked Exceptions

Checked vs Unchecked Exceptions in Java is an already debated and documented topic. I don’t plan to discuss the details here. If you are looking for discussion on this subject I will point you to other sources: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6115896/java-checked-vs-unchecked-exception-explanation http://www.quora.com/What-is-difference-between-a-checked-and-unchecked-exception https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/runtime.html This is however an example of wanting to control the exception flow of your application […]

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My hardening workflow

Here are some tips for keeping your OS environment secure, the DevOps way. Scanning Get your environment scanned early and often. And your first scan should happen even earlier. Nothing is worse than getting your first set of scan result back and realizing you have just been given 2 weeks worth of “surprise” work. Our […]

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