New SecureCI Release

As I’m certain everyone is aware, a new version of SecureCI™ has been released! Many more tools have been included, and while the basic setup is the same, there is a bit more configuration that you’ll need to setup. My previous post of how to startup a new instance of SecureCI™ is still accurate, however […]

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Surviving Stagefright on a Rooted Handset

I am the black sheep of the company. Everything I run is Linux in some form or another except when required by a client. This includes my phone. When I first heard about Stagefright my heart sank, mostly for all the ribbing I would get for my co-workers, but also because my phone is rooted, more […]

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Introduction It’s been a while since I’ve posted about some BDD work, but I’ve recently gotten back into it using Behave. Over the next few months, I’ll be posting more and more, as I get deeper into the tool, but I figure I’ll start with a comparison based on my initial work. This post will […]

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DevOps Test Automation in Practice

  The Engineer Your DevOps webinar series emphasizes application of software engineering principles to build DevOps solutions that are are reliable, scalable and sustainable.  On June 17, 2015, special guest Max Saperstone joined Jeffery Payne and Richard Mills on the topic “Integrating Automated Testing Into DevOps.” DevOps is not a tool or a process but […]

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Continuous Security in a DevOps Environment

\\This webinar was part of the Engineer Your DevOps Webinar Series, led by Coveros CEO Jeffery Payne and DevOps Practice Lead Rich Mills. The special guest was Glenn Buckholz, a Technical Lead on DevOps work at the Department of Homeland Security for Coveros. Glenn has worked with a wide range of federal and commercial customers […]

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Coveros Releases New Version of SecureCI™

SecureCI™, the industry’s first and only open-source continuous integration solution, just got better! Fairfax, VA., July 31, 2015 — Coveros, the market leader in the delivery of secure, reliable software, announced today availability of the newest version of SecureCI™ which includes updated and integrated versions of best in class open source products for source code […]

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Passing -P Parameters From One Gradle Script To Another

In Gradle, you can pass properties to a build script in many different ways. You could pass it via, you could pass through the -D (jvm params) options, or you could pass through the -P option (project properties). I was facing a situation where I needed to call one Gradle build script from my […]

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Introduction to the Workflow plugin Part 2

This blog post will be a continuation of this blog. The next feature within Workflow is Gates and Approvals, which allows for human intervention before promotion of code or continuing the workflow. Say we want to alert someone (via email) to validate that our deploy was successful and we should run our test suite. You […]

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