Why DevOps Engineering Is Important

The following is an edited excerpt from our webinar that took place March 10, 2015. The entire recording may be viewed here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/737060184353086210.  This is the first in a series of webinars on DevOps Engineering and discussed why DevOps Engineering is important.  The webinar was given by Mr. Jeffery Payne and Mr. Richard Mills of […]

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Testing On A Rooted Device

Introduction TechWell’s STAREAST is just 2 weeks away. Among other things, I’ll be talking about testing on a rooted device, specifically, what are the benefits, and what are some tools that can help you out. One of the things I WON’T be covering is how to root the physical device. Disappointing, I know, but due […]

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Diving Deeper into Mobile Penetration Testing Framework: AppUse

In the previous blog, I detailed a great starting point for mobile application testing— the AppUse framework—and highlighted its greatest pros and cons. This tool, created by AppSec-Labs, combines many additional tools to perform static and dynamic analysis of an application and the smartphone device that it runs. Remember, please only use the tools and […]

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Chef Con 2015

I’m presenting at Chef Con! So if you have any free time, you should drop by Santa Clara next week. Schedule Direct link to me I’m going to talk more in depth about migrating to the cloud using Chef, Design decisions which can save you some time, and talk to them about some debugging tips […]

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Why Test on Different Networks – Proprietary Data

Introduction Back in October I wrote a post about testing your mobile application on different networks and I promised a few follow-up articles. Unfortunately, I have been sidetrack with a lot of other work, and finally I have some time to get back to addressing this issue. This article will go over some results of […]

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DevOpsDC: Developing a Continuous Delivery Tool Chain from the Bottom Up

Last week I was able to talk about some of my DevOps experiences at the March 2015 DevOpsDC Meetup. I told the story about how we took a project that was just starting Agile and was deploying a risky release to production every 6 months or so, and over 4+ years brought it to deploying […]

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Engineering Your DevOps Solution: Building a Pipeline that Scales

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS CONTACT: David Burke [email protected]   [February 28, 2015, Fairfax, Virginia] DevOps practitioners, technical leads of development groups, operations managers, project managers and senior leadership trying to derive maximum return on their investment are signing up for a free opportunity to hear from the experts.  On March 10th at 12:00pm EST Jeffery […]

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Sign Up For Our Webinar : “Engineering Your DevOps Solution: Building a Pipeline that Scales”

Sign up for a free opportunity to hear from DevOps experts at Coveros. March 10th at 12:00pm EDT Jeffery Payne and Richard Mills will lead an interactive session called Engineering Your DevOps Solution: Building a Pipeline that Scales. Learning objectives include how to build a “meta-pipeline,” how to up your automated testing game, how to […]

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Forklifting Chef Server

From There to Here and Here to There Due to the requirements of my client I have a need to move our chef server into a completely different hosting environment. This little journey started when I asked that we actually try and preform a restore from our chef backups. When that didn’t work, one of […]

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