What is Chef and why should I be using it?

Chef is a open source configuration and software integration framework that many organizations are actively investing in to simplify their operations.  Here at Coveros, we are using Chef to provision new instances of SecureCI. In many traditional organizations there is a natural division between our system administrators who are responsible for setting up servers and […]

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Coveros releases new version of SecureCI™

SecureCI™, the industry’s first and only open-source continuous integration solution, just got better! Fairfax, VA., November 18, 2013 —  Coveros, the market leader in the delivery of secure, reliable software, announced today availability of the newest version of SecureCI™ which includes updated and integrated versions of best in class open source products for source code […]

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Selectively Deploying Files from a Subversion Repository

During a recent project I needed to modify user interface (UI) files in a Subversion repository and then deploy them to a Tomcat server.  At first I recursively copied all of the files using a batch script, but because of the size of the repository this could take anywhere from 10 to 15 seconds.  That […]

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Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities

One of the items on the 2013 OWASP Top Ten is “Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities.” It is new on this year’s list, debuting at number 9. OWASP lists at as being widespread and difficult to detect. The issue is that modern software is made up of dozens, if not hundreds, of third-party components. Even […]

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Sharepoint Property bags

SharePoint Property Bag allows to store configurations settings at different levels of the SharePoint hierarchy outside of the application itself. Property bag is basically a hash table of key-value pair options. Property bag feature is available in Windows SharePoint services 3.0, SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013. Property bag helps you to store meta data as key-value […]

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Coping with Long Feedback Loops during Software Development

I recently had the opportunity to work on a software development project as part of a 300 person team.  On this team there were two types of developers: user interface (UI) developers and service developers.  In order to evaluate the effect of a code change, UI developers needed to deploy their modified JavaScript files to […]

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Cucumber-JVM Upgrade

Errors on report.js I recently ran into an issue when compiling my html friendly cucumber reports. For larger tests run, when attempting to view the reports generated in the cucumber-html-report, the screen appeared blank. After some debugging, I noticed that the reports.js file generated was abruptly terminated. The true cause of the issue is still […]

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Apache Server Errors

So I run a server at home hosting several sites, including a few personal sandboxes for development. I went to check one of sites, and noticed it was taking an incredibly long time to load. When I logged into the machine, I got the dreaded Usage of /: 99.9% of 27.50GB disk space error. Now, […]

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