6 Ways to Share Negative Feedback in a Retrospective
A man talks to a woman in front of a Scrum board

One of the most important parts of the agile process is the ability to continuously learn and adapt. While most find it easy to share positive feedback during retrospectives with their teammates, sharing negative experiences and criticism can often be a challenge. Negative feedback has the greatest potential to help people change in areas that […]

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3 Must-Read Books for a Good Agile Foundation

If you are searching for agile knowledge, there are many books outside the current literature that may enlighten you. Some discuss the underpinnings of concepts we consider agile, while others are contemporary business books that present compelling ways to use agile effectively. Here are three Jeff Payne recommends.

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You Can’t Rush Agile Change

Too often, organizations try to rush agile change. It is usually because they want to see the business benefits of agile as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, change doesn’t work like that—you can’t rush it. In fact, trying to change too fast often results in no change at all. Here are some examples to avoid.

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Agile and DevOps Bring the Focus Back on Quality
Magnifying glass on colored paper

I’ve had the privilege (and the many challenges) of working in IT for more than three decades. Early in my career I tended to accept things as they were presented, following the techniques, processes, guidelines, and approaches I was taught by my peers and managers. As I gained experience and wisdom, I became a better independent thinker and started to connect the dots and ask questions.

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Continuous Security in Agile Development
Padlock on a green door

The word continuous gets thrown around a lot when talking about agile and DevOps. One area that often doesn’t get enough attention is how to continuously build, test, and deliver secure applications.Just like for quality, you can’t test security in, so you need to have a plan for how to build it in from the ground up. Here are some tips on how to do that.

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Continuous Improvement Activities beyond the Retrospective

One of the principles behind the Agile Manifesto is “At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.” Unfortunately, many associate that practice with performing team retrospectives at the end of a sprint, or periodically in kanban. But if you seek to build a high-performing team, there are more improvement activities you should consider adopting.

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The Agile Manifesto Principles: Self-Organizing Teams
Group of adults organizing their work

The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. The cultures that are trying to adopt agile are usually command-and-control, because most organizations are. This means that there’s a boss who tells their subordinates what to do, and then those subordinates tell their subordinates what to do. Agile attempts to flip that script upside […]

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Leveraging Kubernetes as a Tester

With the advent of agile and DevOps, organizations are moving from specialized roles to cross-functional teams—and that means cross-functional sharing of the specialized tools used in each silo. So it’s not unreasonable for a tester to need access to the tools used in those other silos, such as Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a scalable, production-grade container […]

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