Lessons Learned from an Enterprise Government Cutover to the Cloud

On a recent government project, the DevOps team I was leading was tasked with spearheading the migration of our applications from a datacenter to the cloud. It did not go well. It almost fell into many traps that I imagine plague many cloud migrations, ranging from configuration management downfalls, to communications failures and delayed security […]

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Publishing to GitHub Packages

At Coveros, we have an internal initiative — Codeveros — responsible for creating and maintaining a reference application used by our training courses. Also, we use it for evaluating new tools and technologies and for any other purpose where an application or source code is needed. Codeveros Overview At its core, it is a microservice […]

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Documentation in Agile

Documentation in Agile is one of the most misunderstood aspects of the methodology. It is a common belief that those in an Agile workspace do not document or cannot fit documentation guidelines into the framework. This is (of course) false. When implemented correctly Documentation in Agile is not only possible, it thrives. To begin let’s […]

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Collaborating with a Highly Distributed Team

More than 75% of Americans work remotely at least once a week, 43% work remotely at least half time, and 20% work remotely full time. According to Gallup, that trend is only going to continue to grow. Working remotely has numerous benefits including increases in productivity, employee retention, and diversity. A study by Stanford University […]

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Roles and KSA’s of Agile
Roles and KSA’s of Agile

When transitioning to Agile methodologies it can be easy to gloss over the fundamental knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA’s) required to compose a successful team. I’d like to cover the roles and KSA’s of typical Agile projects. This is not meant to be a strict guideline but rather a road map to inform your decision […]

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Fortify to SonarQube: Part Two

Introduction This is the second part of a two-part blog series describing one method to display Fortify scan results in SonarQube. This blog describes the process to convert the Fortify scan results and display them in SonarQube. For an overview of the entire process, and a detailed description of generating the Fortify SCA results, see […]

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Understanding the Scrum Master’s Role in Team Communication

A common misunderstanding among those new to agile is exactly what the role of the scrum master is on the team. I have often heard the phrases: “I didn’t sign up to be a scrum master; it’s not my job to talk to the product owner” or “I’m not the scrum master; I don’t like […]

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Selenified and LambdaTest
Selenified Process

I recently had the pleasure of being introduced to the team over at LambdaTest. LambdaTest runs a cross-browser cloud infrastructure that allows the execution of Appium and Selenium tests remotely. I was intrigued to learn more about their infrastructure and tooling, as it seemed like something that should fit in nicely with Selenified. I signed […]

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Fortify to SonarQube: Part One

Overview Fortify Static Code Analyzer (SCA) is a Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tool. It can be used to identify security issues early in the development cycle, enabling developers to resolve findings without waiting until the end. This shifting left of security analysis both speeds up and makes more secure the implementation of new functionality […]

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