5 Reasons You Should Have More Unit Tests

The test pyramid is a valuable visual in agile. In particular, it argues that unit tests should make up the majority of tests, and while agile teams recite this principle, it is often not clear why it is so important. Here are five reasons unit tests should make up the majority of tests written for an application.

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The Agile Manifesto Principles: Maximizing through Simplicity

Ryan Kenney, senior consultant at Coveros, chats with TechWell Community Manager Owen Gotimer about the Agile Manifesto principle of simplicity: “Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essential.” Continue the conversation with Ryan and Owen on the TechWell Hub Originally published on AgileConnection.

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How to Get Security Groups to Join Your DevSecOps Journey

DevSecOps shifts security practices left and assures earlier that your application isn’t vulnerable to breaches. But convincing a security group to get on board with your DevSecOps journey may not be an easy task. These four points can help you prove to your security group that DevSecOps is in everyone’s best interest.

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Running Cucumber with Maven

A little while ago (ok, maybe in the distant past), I started writing about Cucumber. My very first post detailed how to set up Cucumber-JVM, and we’ve come a long way from then. I thought it was worth revisiting, as there are simpler ways to get setup, and better tools out there to use. So […]

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The Agile Manifesto Principles: Deliver Working Software
A man talks to a woman in front of a Scrum board

Bob Foster, technical manager at Coveros, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about the Agile Manifesto principle of delivering working software: “Working software is the primary measure of progress.” Continue the conversation with Bob and Owen on the TechWell Hub. Originally posted on AgileConnection.

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What Is Continuous Testing All About?

Continuous testing started when DevOps got hot as organizations began trying to figure out how to make everything in the software delivery process more continuous and testers felt they were being left out of the DevOps movement. If you want to get started with continuous testing, here are three things you should know.

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Building a Node.js REST Microservice: Part Three

Introduction This is the third part in a series of tutorials focused on the process of creating, deploying, and consuming a Node.js REST microservices. In part one, I walked through the initial creation process and laid out the path forward. In part two, I connected the Node.js app to a database, and updated the routes […]

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DevOps Pipeline Quality Gates – A Double Edged Sword

There has been much discussion about the many benefits of “moving testing left,” and our experts will tell you that doing so by having automated testing (Quality Gates) integrated into your build pipelines is a critical success factor for the rapid build and deploy process automation necessary to truly reap the benefits of Agile. That […]

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