What is agile, part 3
an agile development team

For part 2: https://www.coveros.com/what-is-agile-part-2/ For part 1: https://www.coveros.com/what-is-agile-part-1/ Where I have seen agile implemented properly, practices were followed that were non-intuitive but effective.  A couple examples will help: It is a known statistic (2015 Chaos report) that the smaller the project, the higher the likelihood of success – by a significant margin.  ” It was […]

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STARCANADA 2019 Preview: Document Generation for Regulated Industries

Are you someone working within a regulated industry that has extensive documentation requirements? Or does your company or client insist that you adhere to a documentation-heavy process? Although you may be thinking that the agile ideal that you have been striving for is now just a pipe dream, fear not! If you’ll be at STARCANADA […]

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Breathing Life into Your Daily Standup

Everywhere I go, everyone seems to agree that the Daily Scrum should not be a status meeting. However, a consistent complaint I hear is, “our daily standup has become a status meeting.” How did we get here? Part of the problem is the typical guidance given to Scrum Masters about facilitating this meeting. This guidance […]

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What is agile, part 2
an agile development team

(for the first part, see https://www.coveros.com/what-is-agile-part-1/ ) Strategies for greater effectiveness had been discussed and applied since the earliest days of software development.  What set agile apart was the shared understanding on these techniques by some of the most mindful and collaborative developers of their generation.  They convened to decide on the intersection of their […]

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Hiring for Agile Team Members

One of my colleagues recently asked me how I interview people who have agile experience listed on their resume. I gave him some pointers, and it got me started thinking, “How do I interview for Agile experience?”. So building on the thoughts I gave him here is what I do. I start by looking at […]

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2 Good Practices Agile Says You Don’t Need

There are lots of good practices that people will tell you aren’t agile. Usually this comes from people who read a book on Scrum or Extreme Programming and took it literally. But agile is not methods and tools associated with a particular methodology; as long as you follow the agile principles, anything is fair game.

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What Is A Helm Chart? – A Beginner’s Guide

Helm is a Kubernetes package and operations manager. The name “kubernetes” is derived from the Greek word for “pilot” or “helmsman”, making Helm its steering wheel. Using a packaging manager, Charts, Helm allows us to package Kubernetes releases into a convenient zip (.tgz) file. A Helm chart can contain any number of Kubernetes objects, all […]

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Coveros Conversations: Certification

Senior Learning & Coaching Consultant Stephanie Fender and Senior Consultant Byron Katz discuss the practical learning benefits in our certification courses plus how adding coaching can make learning “stick” in our next Coveros Conversation.

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How to Get Security Groups to Join Your DevSecOps Journey

DevSecOps shifts security practices left and assures earlier that your application isn’t vulnerable to breaches. But convincing a security group to get on board with your DevSecOps journey may not be an easy task. These four points can help you prove to your security group that DevSecOps is in everyone’s best interest.

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