Solving Those Pesky BDD Issues

Introduction Last month wrapped up my Cucumber posts for a while. I’ve covered the full gamut of topics for Cucumber, and I don’t believe I have too many more nuggets of knowledge to offer without putting myself out of a job. While working with Cucumber over the past year I’ve done a lot of research. […]

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Mobile Application Testing with Kryptowire

The hunt for a tool to provide you some ability to scan and analyze mobile application code may not be as elusive as the Chupacabra any more.   Kryptowire is a security testing tools designed specifically for testing Android and iOS native mobile applications.  It provides a simple interface for analyzing source code developed locally […]

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The Goal of Mobile Application Testing

I’m often asked what makes mobile testing so different that testing anything else? The simple answer is your goal.  When we test a web application, per say, the goal of our testing is to often ensure that the application fulfills the requirements as directed by the product owner, that it meets any standards set by […]

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Improving Software Quality through Communication

I recently gave a presentation to undergraduate students about some of the challenges of working on large-scale software development projects.  One of the key challenges that I highlighted was communication.  Although this is not specific to a software development project, it is extremely important. If communication is not performed properly, then it becomes nearly impossible […]

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Java 8 Default Methods and Multiple Inheritance
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Introduction Once I saw that Java 8 was released, I decided it was time to start looking in depth at the new enhancements to the language. I admit, I didn’t follow this release as closely as I did 7, so the only enhancement I knew of was lambda expressions. As I read through the documentation, […]

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Maven POM Lint Plugin

I am a big fan of static analysis and formatting tools. I just like my code to be as clean as possible. At the very least, being clean makes the code easier to read and maintain. If I can find a tool that will make it easy for me to keep my code clean, I’ll […]

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