Functional Testing != Layout Testing

Through my work as a test automation consultant, I hear from a lot of people, teams, and organizations about how test automation is not working. Across the industry, this is true, as stats point to about only 20% of tests being automated. This is pretty interesting (and bleak), seeing as test automation has been around […]

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On Wednesdays We Practice Correct Agile Testing

Although in recent years there has been an exponential increase in companies and development teams applying Agile methodologies, testing still seems to be lagging behind with most companies thinking they are doing Agile testing but in fact still using the waterfall method. Some of the biggest issues in Agile Testing were brought to light in […]

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Test Like a Scientist

I was reading the other day, and happened to come to a section of my book discussing the scientific method. While I grew up with a heavy background of math and science, and am familiar with the scientific method, it had been awhile since I’d thought about it at all. It was interesting to hear […]

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Running Cucumber with Maven

A little while ago (ok, maybe in the distant past), I started writing about Cucumber. My very first post detailed how to set up Cucumber-JVM, and we’ve come a long way from then. I thought it was worth revisiting, as there are simpler ways to get setup, and better tools out there to use. So […]

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What Is Continuous Testing All About?

Continuous testing started when DevOps got hot as organizations began trying to figure out how to make everything in the software delivery process more continuous and testers felt they were being left out of the DevOps movement. If you want to get started with continuous testing, here are three things you should know.

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DevOps Pipeline Quality Gates – A Double Edged Sword

There has been much discussion about the many benefits of “moving testing left,” and our experts will tell you that doing so by having automated testing (Quality Gates) integrated into your build pipelines is a critical success factor for the rapid build and deploy process automation necessary to truly reap the benefits of Agile. That […]

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Where Are All the Great Software Testers?

It can be difficult to find great software testers for senior roles; often, the people you want to hire are the ones who are already gainfully employed. Michael Sowers gives his suggestions for identifying qualified and experienced software engineers who can deliver on senior testing role accountabilities.

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Selenified 3.2.0 Release

Another quarter done. Another Selenified release in the books. We didn’t add too many new features this release, mainly focusing on usability and tightening up existing functionality. But beware, we bumped the minor version because this release isn’t backward compatible. Properties File Instead of needing to provide all properties directly from the command line (or […]

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Agile and DevOps Bring the Focus Back on Quality
Magnifying glass on colored paper

I’ve had the privilege (and the many challenges) of working in IT for more than three decades. Early in my career I tended to accept things as they were presented, following the techniques, processes, guidelines, and approaches I was taught by my peers and managers. As I gained experience and wisdom, I became a better independent thinker and started to connect the dots and ask questions.

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The Value of Security Testing in QA

For many organizations, traditional testing groups are separated from the IT security group. But having traditional testers perform some security testing efforts is a great way of achieving a balanced approach to shifting left while being mindful of staffing and budgetary challenges. It also has some great advantages.

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