In my introductory article, I discussed explaining each vulnerability in the OWASP Top 10 for you. The first on the list is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).
Websites today are very advanced and they contain lots of dynamic content. Dynamic content is information on a web site that is generated on the fly. Dynamic content is usually seen on forums, ecommerce sites, and online catalogs. Dynamic websites can be vulnerable to a threat called Cross-Site Scripting (also known as XSS).
What is XSS?
XSS is a vulnerability located in web applications that allows attackers to inject code into websites viewed by others. XSS usually takes place when a web application collects malicious code from a visiting user. This code is generally in the form of a hyperlink which contains malicious code inside. The goal of the attacker is to get a user or victim to launch or view this code. Once the code is run, the web application responds by creating a web page that displays the malicious data that was sent to it.
There are generally two types of XSS attacks, reflective and stored. Reflective XSS occurs when an attacker creates a malicious URL and manages to entice a victim to click on the link. The attacker can even encode the malicious section of the link to make it less obvious and suspicious to their target. This is how phishing attacks work. When the user clicks on the link, the vulnerable web application reflects the code back to the victim’s browser executing whatever the attacker intended.
The other type of XSS is referred to as stored cross-site scripting because the application stores the malicious code in the database. Anyone who visits the vulnerable page will be affected. This attack has the potential to affect multiple users without any effort on their part. Teaching users not to click on suspicious links does not work with this attack because they can be affected by just visiting a compromised web page.
XSS Attack Scenario Example
An attacker decides to target a victim who makes purchases from an online store. This online shop stores a person’s credit card information for making future purchases simple. The attacker knows if he can steal the victim’s cookies he can buy all the things he wants. The attacker determines there is an XSS vulnerability in the web application and sends the victim an email with a malicious link. The victim clicks on the link and is redirected to a normal webpage (like a news article) but at the exact time the victim unknowing visited a specially designed website the attacker created to steal their cookies.
How to Exploit XSS
The exploits listed below redirect the victim to an attacker’s website which could steal their cookies or any of a number of malicious scenarios an attacker could come up with.
Suppose we have a web page that welcomes a user to a website:
Hello ${param.user}!
If the user parameter contains Roger, then the output would be “Hello Roger!”
But id the parameter contained a value like the following:
The server will decode the parameter and send the following to the browser:
Hello <script src=””></script>
And now the browser will execute whatever is in bad.js. Scary!
How to Prevent XSS
As a user, the best way to protect yourself from an XSS attack is to be cautious of links that are sent to you on forums or by email. A very easy sign to look for is if the link has suspicious code embedded in it. You can also set your browser security settings to high and disable JavaScript, VBScript, Flash and ActiveX. Although disabling these features might prevent you from browsing some of your favorite websites.
If you are a web application developer the best way to prevent XSS attacks is to limit the ways in which users can affect an applications output. This means that the application must perform output validation. And as an extra line of defense, it is recommended to perform input validation as well. You can also perform output encoding which converts all the characters which are not numbers or letters into HTML format sent by a user.
XSS attacks can be very dangerous as they are discovered in virtually every web based software application including popular eCommerce sites. While XSS attacks are relatively easy to protect yourself against, new pieces of software are released everyday with vulnerabilities. We need to educate ourselves about XSS so we can be wary of attacks. Visit the OWASP website for more information on XSS and other web application security vulnerabilities. In my next article on the OWASP Top 10, we look at another popular injection vulnerability, SQL Injection.