This is a continuation of Spring Batch vs Akka.


I ran each of these with a commit size of 1 and 10 for a total of 100 records. I was curious what types of improvements would be seen for each batch job and how the increased processing would affect completion time. Additionally, the idea of batching is to save time on the most expensive part of the operation (writing). For this experiment I just wanted to test the batching’s affects. Again, this was tested on both Spring Batch and Akka.

Spring Batch Implementation

For easier configuration I implemented Spring Batch using Spring Boot. For something as small as this it leads to easier configuration and coding. Spring Batch has built in readers, processors, and writers. So I leveraged the framework as much as possible. Below is a sample of the step for a commit size of 1. The complete code is linked below. 

public Step step1() throws Exception {
return stepBuilders.get("step1")
  .<Person, Person>chunk(1)

Spring Batch Code

Akka Implementation

For better comparison I reused the same Spring Batch writer and processor in the Akka implementaiton. So the only difference is the writer and the framework. In this I implemented my own writer using a JDBC connection.

For the implementation I utilized an Akka dispatcher and Akka router. These two pieces provide control of the execution of an akka actor. The dispatcher was discussed above. The router is similar to network routers. It simply distributes the workload to the actor in a particular fashion. In this case I will be using the round robin implementation. I made use of the balancing dispatcher which allows the actor to tell the system “hey i’m done” at which point more work is assigned to it.

In my implementation a read is performed and then that object is passed to an actor which completes the processing. This process continues until the reader has exhausted it’s dataset.

Below is the code sample:

 ActorSystem _system = ActorSystem.create("balancing-dispatcher",

ActorRef actor = _system.actorOf(new Props(ProcessWriteBatchActor.class)
 new RoundRobinRouter(1)));

connection = getDataSource().getConnection();

Long startTime = new Date().getTime();
 ItemReader itemReader = new App().itemReader();
 Person person;
 while ((person = (Person) != null) {


There are two separate modules for a commit size of 1 (AkkaBatch) and commit size of 10 (AkkaBatch10): Akka Batch

The Results

I ran both the frameworks on similar loads and similar commit sizes. I compared the time each took to complete the job. The sample size for all of these was 100. All the results are measured in milliseconds.

Spring Batch Spring Batch Akka Akka
Commit Size Default Thread Pool Default Thread Pool 1 Fork Join 1
1 1,345 1414 896 882
10 899 858 336 308
Spring Batch Spring Batch Spring Batch Spring Batch Akka Akka Akka Akka Akka Akka
Commit Size Thread Pool Core Size 4 Thread Pool Core Size 8 Async Threading Default Async Threading Unlimited Thread Pool 4 Thread Pool  8 Thread Pool 20 Fork Join 4 Fork Join 8 Fork Join 20
1 1239 1437 1319 1327 804 837 766 865 868 846
10 800 842 816 865 294 387 330 293 341 319



The results show that leveraging Akka in all situations leads to a quicker job. The results even showed that a Spring Batch job with a larger commit size is comparable to Akka with a smaller commit size. The speed up with Akka also increased with a larger commit size.

The one aspect I did not test was longer running implementations. While the Spring Batch framework requires more configuration it is designed to be long running and it is possible the sample size I tested with was not enough to get it’s full value.

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