Securing Jenkins when using AWS

Dear Loyal Readers, Security, like safety, almost always makes your life harder. It is inefficient.  Now, as I said before, I love Jenkins for scripting and organizing project operations and today I’d like to talk about a security feature that can help you have your cake and eat it too. The challenge for us is that […]

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Chef Con 2015

I’m presenting at Chef Con! So if you have any free time, you should drop by Santa Clara next week. Schedule Direct link to me I’m going to talk more in depth about migrating to the cloud using Chef, Design decisions which can save you some time, and talk to them about some debugging tips […]

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Chef Advanced Debugging: Detecting bad attributes earlier

As I talked about last month when trying to demystify  “UNDEFINED METHOD `[]’ FOR NIL:NILCLASS” error, it can be challenging to make sure all your attributes are set the way you want, or even at all. One thing that should be detectable is anytime you get nothing (nil) back from a Node[] call, we might as […]

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Chef Best Practices: undefined method `[]’ for nil:NilClass

Typically you’ll get an error that looks like this: NoMethodError ————- undefined method `[]’ for nil:NilClass   Cookbook Trace: —————  /cookbooks/test/recipes/default.rb:15:in `from_file’   Relevant File Content: ———————- /cookbooks/test/recipes/default.rb:    12:  13:  puts “JPM Recipe start”  14:  puts node[‘att1’]  15>> puts node[‘att2’][‘att3’]  16: What just happened? Well, this recipe just referenced a sub-attribute (‘att3’) of a […]

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Creating a VPC with public and private subnet in AWS with the Ruby SDK

Dear Loyal Readers, The basic scenario for a VPC is a public facing subnet, and a private subnet only accessible via the first subnet (this is the web server w/ data backend scenario, aka Scenario 2).  Unlike spawning an instance like I did in my previous post, the challenge to this script is that many […]

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AWS with the Ruby SDK

Dear Loyal Readers, I’ve been delving into automating AWS deployments and I’m a huge ruby fan for any sort of Linux admin, so I started with the AWS SDK and the samples/ec2/run_instance.rb.  The example for deploying an instance was pretty straight forward; I just wanted write about some features/modifications that I found useful. Modification #0 — […]

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